UX process for Intranet applications?

What is the UX process mostly followed on internal applications of an enterprise company ?

As most of them focus on customer centric and use techniques and methods but for internal applications these are not followed somehow and take it as granted.

Please reply on the UX process or methods to get the best results out of it.

hi @bas2k10
I guess it will be not easy to reply to your question.
In my experience, UX approaches and/or methodologies (ex. mobile first) are applied according a mix of inputs coming from several departments, especially in an enterprise environment. As UXers we should take care about all the needs of our stakeholders and define a specific approach and/or methodology according some precise assets (capacity in terms of people for instance).

Anyway, Ive some questions for you:

What do you mean with “internal applications”?
What these apps are supposed to do?
Are they new apps or is an enhancement of existing ones?
What do you , exactly, mean with “enterprise company”? How many users are expected to use these apps?


I’m interested in this topic too.

At the moment I’m working on an ‘internal’ business system and seeking to identify the UI that supports optimal workflows for users (within some constraints of a default package install) as well as the colour of the UI (which I know many people/Depts will have an opinion on).

Beyond ensuring suitable contrast for accessibility and evaluating through lab sessions, does anyone know any good examples of a process for doing this, or any useful papers/research around color in this context?

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Designing user experiences for Intranet applications requires a thoughtful and systematic approach. Here’s a UX process tailored for Intranet applications.

  1. User Research:
  • Keyword Focus: User Research, Intranet User Behavior Analysis
  • Conduct surveys, interviews, and workshops with employees to understand their needs, challenges, and workflows within the Intranet environment.
  1. Information Architecture:
  • Keyword Focus: Information Architecture, Content Organization, Taxonomy
  • Structure the Intranet content logically, ensuring intuitive navigation. Utilize card sorting and tree testing techniques to refine the information architecture.

3. Wireframing and Prototyping:

  • Keyword Focus: Wireframing, Prototyping, UI Design Mockups
  • Create wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the layout, features, and interactions. Use tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD for UI mockups.
  1. Usability Testing:
  • Keyword Focus: Usability Testing, User Feedback, Iterative Design
  • Conduct usability tests with employees, gather feedback, and iterate on the design. Use A/B testing to compare different design versions for optimal user experience.
  1. UI Design:
  • Keyword Focus: UI Design, Visual Design, Branding
  • Design visually appealing interfaces consistent with the company’s branding. Pay attention to color schemes, typography, and iconography for a cohesive look and feel.
  1. Development and Implementation:
  • Keyword Focus: Front-End Development, Back-End Integration, CMS (Content Management System)
  • Collaborate with developers to ensure the seamless integration of UI designs into the Intranet system. Optimize for various devices and browsers.
  1. Accessibility and Compliance:
  • Keyword Focus: Accessibility Standards, ADA Compliance, WCAG Guidelines
  • Ensure the Intranet application adheres to accessibility standards, making it usable for all employees, including those with disabilities.
  1. Training and Documentation:
  • Keyword Focus: User Training, Onboarding, Documentation
  • Provide training sessions and create user-friendly documentation to help employees navigate the Intranet efficiently.
  1. Continuous Improvement:
  • Keyword Focus: User Feedback Analysis, Performance Metrics, UX Optimization
  • Continuously collect feedback, analyze user behavior, and optimize the Intranet application based on user insights. Implement updates to enhance the user experience continually.

Collaborating with a specialized UI/UX company experienced in Intranet design can significantly enhance the effectiveness of this process. Such companies bring expertise in understanding internal workflows, ensuring the Intranet aligns perfectly with the company’s culture and employees’ needs.