Working on anything exciting?

I’m working on a big research project for a [community] client, which is really interesting.

What are you guys working on?

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I’m not sure if it is exciting, for sure it is challenging
I’m working on guidelines to define the table view behaviours (ex normal view vs collapsed view)
What do you think about it?

I love your handwriting.

Those collapsing table behaviours remind me of the way topics work on this platform.

thaaaaaank you :slight_smile:
I’m old school, without pen and paper I can’t even start to think!

this feature is one of the most requested by our customers.
We did a workshop with them and we found out that very often they’ve to work with a huge amount of rows.
Our goal is to design a component at the framework level able to satisfy other needs as well.
It is becoming a brain teaser!

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Not all that exciting… I’m fumbling around in the dark trying to find the best way of making an Android app. :slight_smile: I thought that “a flashcard app should be pretty simple. I just need dictionaries, lists of words and show cards to the user”.

But when I began designing the UI I realized that I need to understand the structure of the program first so today I’ve made an improvised diagram of it. I just hate it when arrows are crossing each other, but I guess it can’t be helped.

Beginning to look like a rat’s nest and probably two thirds to go.