What do you love the most about your country?

I’ve always felt incredibly fortunate that I was born and raised in New Zealand. Aside from the truly unspoiled beauty, this country is safe, healthy, progressive and we don’t have any poisonous animals or insects. Doesn’t get much better than that.

What do you guys love the most about the places you choose to live?

I agree with you Hawk, New Zealand is really an amazing place to live. I do have to say, that with all the negative press that has been around, with things happening overseas, and the disasters, it makes me realise how truly lucky we are to be in a country that doesn’t punish you for your relationship choices. We don’t have to watch everything we do and say, and be worried for our safety because of large scale fighting.

I also love the greenness of most of our country, and the space.

I was born and raised in Australia. I love it because it is a country of extreme contrasts and beauty. We have so many different climates and terrains all one giant island (plus Tasmania).

I love Melbourne :slight_smile: It’s one of those cities where you experience all four seasons in one day! :slight_smile:

I was born raised in Sydney and absolutely love it - I guess it’s just home. We have such mild weather that allows for outdoor activities and we’re surrounded by beautiful waterways. Our harbour is amazingly beautiful. I also live in a lovely village-type suburb of Sydney where everyone seems to know everyone. I also love Melbourne and usually visit at least once each year - love the cafes, restaurants and of course the shopping. Not so keen on the weather down there!