This is a check before I improperly post something

Good [afternoon] fellow UXMastery Nerds,

I’m stuck on this design idea for my resume. I have an idea I really like and I’ve gotten good and bad reactions to it at a half n’ half rate. I am convinced that some form of this idea will work, and I’m convinced that I’ve been looking at it for too long.

So, I would like some more designers to take a poke at it as a design challenge, yet I fear that, because it is my personal resume, I will be crossing some kind of line of self-promotion.

Three questions (that you can answer any number of):

  1. Would asking for help on the design of my resume violate a UX Mastery forum’s policy? If so, what is that policy?
  2. Would you all be interested in looking at quick design challenges on this forum?
  3. Is it afternoon where you are? If not, what time of day are you at [midday, afternoon, twilight, witch’s hour, etc.]

Thanks for everything,

Nope… go for it.