Social Proofing : User Research


I’m UX Designer and have designed a new Product Display Page for mobile phones. It includes:

Review stars
Customer reviews
Average customer review ratings
Badge - that says fe.g ‘Editors pick’ or “Which? Best Buy”
FOMO marketing messages e.g.14 people purchased this in the last hour

My plan is do some usability testing then A/B test each element. In terms of the usability testing what sort of questions should I ask?


Re: "What sort of questions should I ask"

This depends entirely what you want to know.

  • What’s your goal? Validation? Iteration?
  • What is the value to your design for testing the elements / page?
  • What parts are you actually testing and how?
  • How are you running the tests? Live or asynchronously?

If you’re split testing (either A/B or multivariate) you’re unlikely to be asking questions outside of ‘Can the user achieve this goal?’ and ‘Why?’

FOMO marketing messages e.g.14 people purchased this in the last hour

Just a quick one on this … It’s a dark pattern to manipulate purchasers. I know some major sites - travel, product - use it but that doesn’t mean anyone else should!

Thanks for your response.