Scrollable container - Accessibility

Hi everyone, we are hoping to use a scrollable container in the terms and condition section. The container is NOT iframe and we will make it with overflow hidden CSS.

I need your thoughts only from the accessibility point of view.

Thanks a lot

I have a document that I created for a class on UX design for accessibility that gives a checklist of accessibility pieces based off WCAG 2.1 standards. Using that, here’s what I found:

Is it possible to navigate to all links on a page using the keyboard only?

It doesn’t look like you can navigate to the “Place Order” button using the keyboard, so there’s an issue here. It also doesn’t look like the T&C verbiage is scrollable using only the keyboard.

That’s about all I could find here. Hopefully that form can help you check for usability issues in the future :slight_smile:


Thanks mate, the accessibility document is awesome! and yes we will try to make the container scrolls focusable and tabs accessible.

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Happy to help!