Quick usability question

If this was part of a blog homepage, do you immediately know what the number beside my name indicates?

It’s not obvious to me. Maybe number of comments? If so, there are a number of small comment icons you could add to make it more clear.

Thanks Lennon. Yup, it is comments.

there are a number of small comment icons you could add to make it more clear

We do actually have an icon. I photoshopped it out to test whether it is still necessary.

I love that you’re doing some testing by removing elements! Vastly underrated technique. Many people just add add add.

I agree with Lennon, I had to guess but wasn’t sure, especially in a blog situation as it might be activity level, popularity etc.

Thanks - I totally agree. We’re looking at something more like this now (but without the underlined words in the tag-line that look like a link but aren’t).

That’s much better, I can tell what each of those numbers relate to now :).
Just as a side note, I’m curious about the different displays of pictures? Is this just trying out different styles or do they mean different types of information?

I’m curious about the different displays of pictures? Is this just trying out different styles or do they mean different types of information?

They denote different types of information. You can’t really tell from that image, but the circles are actually people’s forum (Discourse) avatars. Those posts get pulled to the homepage from the community. The square images are blog articles. I originally designed it with bars between each row indicating that (ie “Latest Community Discussions” “Latest from FeverBee” etc) but they got culled in an attempt to fit more posts on the homepage.

In the first message,if you want to achieve this without the icons than you need to put the numbers in () brackets and close to the name. it will more obvious, right now with extra spacing between the name and number making it hard for the users to understand.

Thanks @Laurel_Carter and welcome to the community.

We ended up going for this which seems to be working out.

@HAWK thats better. thanks