Please help me to redesign magicbricks android app also minimal color

How are you getting on with your project?

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I want some suggestion for buy property result page, can you suggest me tha layout?

Are you able to give us some more information?

  • What does it look like currently?
  • What does the user want to achieve on this page?

ya sure

its looking this type, but kindly suggest

What are the user stories for this page?

(A a user I want to do x because…)

user want to search home to buy and in convineint price

And what isn’t working about it now? i.e. where are users getting stuck?

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I see the ads have a distance in kilometers, but kilometers from what? From the nearest train station?

Why would the user want to view a phone? :wink:
I guess this button shows the owner’s phone number, but I don’t think that is necessary. The number will be displayed in the dialer when the user taps “Call Owner”.

This may be a cultural difference, but I would like to know at least the first name of the person I’m calling. So instead of labeling the call button “Call Owner”, you could label it “Call Marie”, or “Call Richard”, or whatever the owner’s name is.

I’m not a UX designer, so take my advice with a barrow of salt.


Oh wait, I get it now! The distance is in kilometers from the phone!

How about writing “3.1 km away”? That way it wouldn’t be as ambiguous.

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And I think View Phone might mean “See phone details/phone number” but that is also ambiguous.

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thanks guys, and please suggest other things that is ambiguous

View Phone is confusing. What is this button for @shiv17prakash. Is it view location or something?

view phone is for contacting to concern person, same as call owner or agent, but if user press call owner then it will be directly connect to the concern person and view phone is for viewing the name and number of concern person. kindly suggest the button name?

Then a more appropriate button title will be View Details instead of View Phone. Or something like More Information/Details.

thanks, any thing else?

It seems to me that we are doing usability testing for you here, and frankly I think you would get better results if you did the testing with members of your target group.

(The target group could be “Employed Indians between 30 and 40 years old”. Just guessing.)

People from different parts of the world may well have different expectations when they are buying a home, or even just making a phone call. So we, being from all over the world, can’t help you fine tune your app for your local market.

I think you should write down the tasks your app is supposed to help with:

  • Find homes that are up for sale
  • Show their location
  • Contact the seller
  • Something else?

Then sit down with people you think are likely to use your app and ask them to do those things with the app and record what they think is easy and what they have problems with.

Then you would have a foundation for making changes to your UI and it would be easier for us to help you if you said "My UI looks like this now and the users expects this and that, what would be a good solution?".

Something I was wondering, have you done any research around whether people will be happy to have their phone number so readily available on the app?

From a personal point of view I would be reluctant to do that, I would rather somebody sent a message through the app. I would be worried about my number getting into the wrong hands or if a bot managed to access the app and then I’d get lots of cold calls. I’d want to be able to vet somebody first, maybe ask them to send proof of funds before allowing a stranger to view my house.


Also is there a ‘map view’ I know when we were house hunting we visited one house and then opened up an app that allowed us to view all the houses for sale around where we currently were so we could walk/drive around and check them out from the outside before booking appointments to view.

I think we were using Zoopla at the time.