Looking to Online User Testing Resources

Hey-oh all!

I am starting to get an InVision Prototype together for my current project. I will find people irl to help with minor testing queries I may have, yet what recommendations of online user testing websites/tools/resources might you share with me for when I want to test the full prototype?

Onwards and Upwards,

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That’s exciting Braydn, I’ve used Lookback: https://lookback.io/
and https://www.usertesting.com/

My only gripe with these services is they don’t always get you the target user, for example I had an app for prostate cancer, and all the testers were young females. I wanted older, not so tech-savvy guys. That said, the results were still useful.


I’ve used flexux : http://flexux.com.au/

It’s a fairy new tool but gives you really complete and insightful data on your tests, and it’s really flexible so you’re able to set up the tests in any way you want, to record the right data.

Good luck!

thanks, I’ll check it out :slight_smile:

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