Looking for mentors willing to have a quick chat about UX Researcher role

I am an HCI student in Berlin. Currently, I am working on thesis research on designing an adoption strategy for a dutch neighborhood platform in the German-Dutch border region.
The research consisted of both qualitative and qualitative research methods. Got the chance for ethnographic field visits, surveys, stakeholder interview; combining them with web analytics. Based on my prior experience and the thesis, I want to shape my profile for UX Research position.
Would any one be willing to small call (Skype/hangout), chat (slack) or if Berlin meet me for a coffee (on me :)) to provide some guidance on identifying company structures promoting UX research and also I can shape myself for the position? Would really appreciate the mentorship for my early stage career step. To get a little context to me my portfolio is: www.mohityadav.info

Hey, if you want, we can have a chat on Slack. Are you on the UXMastery slack channel?


Thank you for offering, I have dropped a message to you on Slack. :slight_smile:

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if possible i wouldn’t mind chatting as well.