List of skills

Continuing the discussion from How long have you been a UXer?:

Great idea Jacqui. Let’s compile a list here and then I’ll build a poll.

Thanks for this! I’ll get it started:

I have 5 years experience in usability testing, having also attended 2 courses in this field
I have 5 years experience in paper prototyping, having attended 1 course in this field
I have 1 years experience in axure software
I have 8 years experience in visual design
I have 5 years experience in user interface design

I have 15 years experience as a web designer/front end developer mostly in ecommerce.
I have 14-20 years of HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator and other web stuff
I have nearly 1 year experience of officially doing UX design as opposed to web design while trying to think about the user and conversion rates.

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I am a noob.

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I’m an odds and bobs one as my role has been “UX Designer”.

Degree in Computer Science and Psychology
Masters in Human Interface Technology
3 years doing a combination of visual design, prototyping (from sketching to axure), IA, interviews, requirements gathering etc.

  • 6 months of internships/odds and bobs working internally for places.
  • 6 months working in more of an agency style setting (but a bit slower paced)
  • 2 years working for a product company.
    Outside of that I’ve taught myself html, css, javascript through various courses, building on my university knowledge.
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