Learn basic tech processes/background actions on mobile

Hey Everyone,

Since my task as a junior designer is writing spec document (on mobile, iOS and Android as well), I would like to enlarge my knowledge about what kind of processes are happening on server side/client side. What kind of data should be stored and where, in which case, etc. I thought giving you an example would help you guys suggest me some courses/articles, anything which could help me with basic dev-related background process. So here is what I have to specific when writing about a Login screen, for example:

User actions and data handling on Login screen
User should be able to:

  • all fields are mandatory - “Log in” button should be inactive until all are fields filled in correctly
  • fill in email field:
    should not be empty, if not, display message appears: “Provide an e-mail address”
    email field will be validated in line for correct format - on lost focus
    if the format is not correct - show message “Please provide a valid email address.”
    fill in password field as described in the Sign up chapter
    Reset password by tapping the Forgot Password
    Display/hide password by checking the show password checkbox
    Log in to the application by tapping the Log in button
    On successful login the application starts with the Feed - and all data is refreshed
    Navigate to Sign up with email screen by tapping on the Sign up link.

Hey Andrea,
This course looks like it might be useful. I haven’t done this one specifically, but I do rate Udacity and it’s free.

@HAWK thanks a lot for the tip! Once I made a Udacity course and it really worth it, I learned a lot! Not sure if this course will help me if I am searching for mobile specific actions, plus I am totally beginner (in the prerequisitions appears, that I should have basic JavaScript knowledge.), but made once a CodeAcademy course in HTML/CSS. So half of the requirements are checked. I don’t even care about JavaScript, I will pick it up somehow, but the only question is if it worth the effort, since the whole course is based on web. Do you think progresses are the same?

Thanks a lot!

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I honestly could not answer that. I’ve never done any mobile development. Hopefully someone else can!