Hey, hey, hey! It's time to welcome some new folks!

@aimenawan comes to us from New York City and says she’s at the beginning of her UX journey. She recently started her master’s in information Experience Design at Pratt Institute. She joined so that she could discuss her ideas and learn from everyone.

@MikeMartinez says he’s in the learning stages of UX/UI. He’s been reading our UXMastery book and he’s also started a course at Udemy.com. He’s excited about what’s to come in the UX community and industry. He came here to network and learn from other UXers so that he can, not only get a good job, but to establish lasting relationships within the community and the help anyone who needs it.

@sean is currently a Business Analyst and is looking to move on to something more creative that is loosely related, so he can use some of his current skills. He has a background in graphic design and recently discovered the wonderful world of UX. He came here because, even though he’s done a lot of research, he’s not quite sure where to start and he’s looking for some guidance.

@thefirst3rd has been a Creative Director for many years and has worked in some of the biggest (and smallest!) agencies out there. He says that he’s always tried to straddle the line between UX and design, “even in those days when they forbid us Designers to even think about straying from the wireframes.” He’s currently freelancing and wears many hats. He came here to be on top of trends, grow his skills and learn from other people.


Awesome! Welcome everyone.

@sean I’ve seen a few posts from you around here already. Good on you for jumping in, I respect that.

@MikeMartinez It sounds like you’re setting yourself up well in the learning stakes. What Udemy course are you doing?

@aimenawan Ha! It wounds like we could learn from you!

@thefirst3rd Welcome Tim. I’d love to know more about the pros and cons of agency work.


Great to have you all here! :grinning: Welcome

@sean A BA with design skills and an interest in research - sounds like you’ll have a great future with UX.

@aimenawan I’d love to hear what you’re currently studying at Pratt!


@Lukcha Thank you
I am doing Masters in Information Experience Design. The program is a blend of the Information Science, Human-Computer Interaction, and User Experience disciplines. It is my first semester and I am taking Foundations of Information and Information Architecture & Interaction Design.


WELCOME ALL!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


@Lukcha I hope so! Looking to transition as soon as I can.


Welcome Welcome!!

Great to have you all on board. We have a fantastic community that love to discuss things and share knowledge.
I’m looking forward to doing both of those things with all of you!

Be seeing you very soon :grinning::grinning:


Thank you so much! I’m trying my hardest to learn as much as I can. The Udemy course i’m learning from is the Web UI/UX design course using Adobe XD. So far, I’m loving Adobe XD! and the course is excellent! I have many goals to accomplish before the end of this year, and hopefully I can be a UI/UX designer before 2019.


@richard Thank you so much! I cant wait to learn from you and the community! :smiley:

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What fancy you more? UX or UI?

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I like both aspects of UI and UX. I feel like I would be more set on one, once I get a job. How about you? What do you fancy more?

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@thefirst3rd & I worked together many years ago and he is such a smart guy. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a part of a team!


User Experience

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Hi Everybody! I love passing through the boards here every couple of days. Everyone is so nice and helpful and there is just fantastic knowledge dropped on so many levels. Thank you for having me…