Feedback on Portfolio & Resume

Hello everyone!

Think you could give me some feedback on my resume and portfolio?

If you have the time, I’d greatly appreciate any feedback and critiques :slight_smile:

Thank you and happy new years!

Hi there!

I like the look of your portfolio. For me, there is a good balance of text and images in the body, although I think your header is a bit big. I have a couple of suggestions.

First, I recommend that you have a copy read through by someone unfamiliar with your work. There are a few places where things just aren’t quite right. For example, on the CLASSVIP study, down in the user flow section, it reads, “Does Alex like What he is Reading?”

Second, I’m not sure if the case studies that aren’t there should be included. But let’s get a second opinion on that. If you keep them there, I’d recommend adding a date on when you expect to have the studies published.

Some technical observations:

  • You have a link to a case study in the footer of the main page, (Inpensa) but I didn’t see it listed along with the rest of your studies up above. I barely noticed that it was there.
  • The video for the final product on Inventaprint isn’t available.
  • On the About Me page, the link to your resume didn’t work for me on Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

I looked at your resume, but I can’t think of any suggestions to add to what @jdebari said. I like the layout.

I enjoyed looking at your portfolio. You’ve obviously put a lot of effort into the portfolio itself and your passion for UX is there. Your thought processes are well documented and clear, which is the most important thing in a portfolio.

Thanks for posting and be sure to let us know if/when you update things so that we can take another look.

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Agree with what is said before as feedback on your website. I’ve got some feedback for you on your resume. Approach your cv as a tool to convince. You can never convince somebody only telling about your skill. That’s why I would add the following to your cv:

  • Your mission
  • Your vision
  • Your values
  • Where would you like to be in 1 year in your career
  • Where would you like to be in 5 years in your career
  • Where would you like to be in 10 years in your career

Your cv can be used for more than only showing your skill and experience. Show where you want to go, if that doesn’t fit the company you’re applying to then it might not be a long-term match.

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@sandervolbeda @Piper_Wilson @jdebari Thank you guys so much for the feedback!

@Piper_Wilson I appreciate the thorough evaluation of my entire portfolio – even the small little details. I’d bet you’re great at performing heuristic evaluations

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