What to include on your online website/portfolio

Hello all, I have a question which will help me on my direction for my online website slash portfolio. Is there anyone on here who browses through these websites looking to employ? i need your help!

After researching many UX/UI designers’ websites, i’ve found that it seems to be all about them. The amount of “coffee enthusiasts” i’ve come across is staggering.

So my question is, is this what you want to see? What is the first thing you want to view on the homepage? Straight to my work? Or maybe a little introduction about me, first? Apart from case study links on my homepage, what else do you want to see?

Any help would be great! :slight_smile:

I am def not someone that peruses portfolios with a view to employ, but I DO like to read something personal about people. It doesn’t have to be long – just injecting personality into the site can be enough.

I’m running a session with a UX recruiter on Slack tomorrow – he will likely have good insight here.



It’s cringeworthy isn’t it? I confess there is a big picture of “me” on my portfolio : )

I have been in the position of hiring (UI designers) - I couldn’t care less about someone’s knowledge of arabica beans, though I do want to know their skills and a little bit about their processes, what drives them and how they like to work - but case studies of previous work is what I’m most interested in.


Love this!

Thank you!

Great advice, thank you.

Thanks Tim.

This is what I have so far (not sure if this image will work). I’m thinking about having a small “about me” section at the bottom before the ‘let’s chat’ section.

Sorry about the late reply - that looks like a nice design David. You should definitely put something about yourself in there. How’s it coming together, is it live yet? : )