These forums are moving to a shiny new home!

We have some exciting news! These forums are moving to a shiny new home. We launched our discussion forums a couple of years ago, and while we’re exceptionally proud of the results, the irony of having a platform that offers a marginal user experience (and that’s being generous) isn’t lost on us. We’ve decided to do something about it—we’re migrating away from vBulletin onto the excellent Discourse.
I’ve undertaken a couple of Discourse migration projects in the past, and can declare both a success, so we don’t envisage any snags this time around.
Aesthetics aside, Discourse offers good solutions to a number of issues that we’re currently experiencing with vBulletin:
[]It’s open source, which gives us the ability to customise the experience to suit you – our community.
]It is easily integrated with WordPress, affording us the ability to create a seamless UX Mastery experience in the future.
[*]The flexible user preferences mean that you can tailor the nature and cadence of your own notifications to suit the way you choose to use the platform.
[/LIST] We’re currently running a test migration which will take a couple of weeks to iron out. All going to plan we should have something ready to show you in the next month. Exciting!
We’re doing our best to minimise the inconvenience for you, and we’ll continue to keep you in the loop here and on the blog.
If you have any questions, just ask. We’d love to discuss this with you.