The new UX Mastery branding

As you all woke up this morning and dutifully booted up the UX Mastery website, posted in the community forums and read your social media feeds you would have noticed the switch to our new colour palette and logo.

This is something we’ve been working for a while, and is the first step to rolling out a bunch of refinements to the site and how we support you all in getting started in, and getting better at, your UX careers. We’re very grateful for your feedback since showing the early versions, and are really keen to continue an open dialogue about it.

For those interested in some of the details behind the logo design, you can read the blog post we put up last night. It includes a [URL=“”]diagram summarising the old and new brand attributes and the things we wanted to make sure we continued. Things like being transparent, honest, practical, generous, friendly and fun.

What are your thoughts on the new logo and yellow colouring so far?

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Hi guys, looking good.

Its great to read through the blog and see the whole process. Sketching out your own concepts was a great way to filter through early ideas.
I’m still getting used to the Colours, but they are working, and the speech bubble element is a great touch.

I think the blog is also a super example on how to present a project. Showing background, concepts, workflow and final design.
Great template for anyone looking for an idea of how showcase their design work.


I mirror Paddy’s statement, now that it is everywhere, taking a little to get used to it. But everything looks very clean, I like it :).
My one comment would be around some of the buttons. I like the learn more button on the front page as it looks like a button (with the shading). I’m not so convinced with the yellow buttons or the blue ones in the store (which don’t have the same behaviour as they don’t change at all when you put your curser on them).

But small comment. Thumbs up!

Thanks Paddy and Natalie.

Yes we should sort that button inconsistency out, for sure. This was actually a reasonably small change compared to what is to come, so a few of the style things like that slipped through. Thanks for the heads up.


Looks great - but (there’s always a but right?!) the contrast between yellow and black is really harsh.