Does this fit?

I am not 100% sure this is the right place to post this, but I am looking for feedback and opinions so here I am.

I have been asked to do a presentation about asking the right questions which has sort of evolved into something bigger than I had anticipated.

I am now thinking about this presentation from my research lens of does this fit and how do you know whether it does or not. Put simply, I could just say discover the business needs and the user goals and you will find your fit. The problem is we tend to focus on what we build rather than who we are building for.

My questions to you all are, thinking from concept to deployed, What questions must be asked to stakeholders? What questions must be asked to users? And how do you determine if you have achieved a good fit?

I have some ideas on this, but I would really like to hear yours. Thanks in advance for what I hope to be an interesting conversation.

Can you explain a bit more about the question? I got confused.

In order to create great products that users will love and will have a positive impact on the business, what types of questions should you ask decision makers in the business and what questions should you ask prospective users? When in the design process should these questions be asked?

It will hard for me to tell the exact questions to ask. But I can help you with my process:

  • Define a purpose. For e.g.: To get idea about the product technology stack, How sales works, How business works, etc
  • Start drafting your questions. It doesn’t matter whether it’s polished the main aim of this step is to break the ice. So keep on writing questions.
  • Once you have enough questions and not able to think more. Then start answering them by yourself. While you are answering, you will figure out more questions. Jot it down.
  • Now we have some new set of questions. It’s time to merge them with our old set and make a new sensible set.
  • Review the new set with the help of a team member.
  • And repeat steps 3 to 6 three times.

I hope this will help you

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First. Research is always first. This process diagram should help you to visualise things:

Have a read through that and then come back with questions and we can clarify further. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the link, reading now. In my own preliminary thoughts through a UX process I had even put research ahead of strategy. My thinking was that you need evidence to inform your strategy.

I really think that in my efforts not to lead anyone in a certain direction, I was a bit too ambiguous in my original question.

In the image below:

I see Scouting as early research. This where I may try to uncover people goals, motivations, and behaviors concerning something in their life.

The product market fit stage gets at better understanding certain aspects of peoples’ goals, motivations, and behaviors and compare them to the assumptions the business has to find a fit between peoples’ needs the business goals.

The service level integration is where you figure out how this makes sense amongst your product offering.

Lastly, the usability of the thing is, can our users actually use this thing we built.

Reading the article you shared now. I hope this helps in understanding my original intent of this post. I have an idea of what questions to ask, just looking for generic questions one might ask in these different phases. How do I help my teammates understand how to ask these questions to get the most helpful answers?

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Update. Team strategy is changing at my company. We are going to be running sprints based on the framework outlined in the Sprint book and adapt as necessary to our projects. This changed my presentation significantly and I will be able to help shape questions per project rather than attempting to create examples out of my head. Wins all around.

In case you are curious about the Sprint book:

There may also be info in the book club about this book.

Thanks for the feedback to those who shared, I learned a few things from this post even though I went a different direction in my presentation.

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Wins indeed! Nice work.

And thanks for the update, that’s always appreciated.