Comments and Attachments UX

I’m trying to find examples of sites which have the ability to make a comment and add multiple attachments to said comment as this site does. Does anyone have any other examples of sites that do this or have any ideas about it? Specifically, I’m looking for what might happen when there are a number of attachments - is there a scroll function or something else? - and whether or not there should be thumbnail images of the attachments. I’m also interested in what a number of comments with attachments may look like stacked on top of one another. Any good examples will be much appreciated.

Hi @nevin_davie – are you referring specifically to community/forum sites, where the focus is discussion?

Hi. No, I was thinking more along the lines of adding a comment to a project, kind of like the teamgantt,com pic attached. I’m trying to find the best way to have multiple attachments added. Should it scroll? Does it show file names and/or thumbnails? Just trying to make it clean and simple.

I should also point out that the idea is to fit this into a space that won’t change. May be able to scroll within the space but that’s not preferable.

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