Can you please give me feedback on my portfolio :)

Hello everyone. So, I just graduated from General Assembly UX Immersive and now polishing my portfolio with hopes of scoring my first UX job. Can you please tell me your impression and critique? Portfolio is here

I’m still working on some visuals. Also, I don’t feel I need all 5 projects in there but it’s difficult to decide which one/s I should get rid of. What do you say?

Thanks so much to whoever finds a few minutes to look into it :slight_smile:

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@aygyun_gyul I’m just looking through it now and I think having the 5 examples is very good. I graduated from the CareerFoundry program with only 1 and that’s an issue. The design is simple and clean which I appreciate. I also like how you go into the process you followed in each projects which is great too.

Plus the way you teamed with members from the other GA courses is very interesting, I think employers will be interested in that because you will need to interface with all sorts of departments in the real working world of UX. As you said " This experience definitely helped me empathize with visual designers and developers, and taught me to become a better collaborator. "

@aygyun_gyul Hmmm on this page the video is set to private so I am not able to view it:

I agree with Steve. I think having all 5 projects is great.

I think you’ve done a great job of communicating your process, and your images are a bit part of that.

I like the clean design, and your About page is the right balance of interesting and professional.

I like it. :slight_smile:

Thank you Steve! GA Immersive course includes 2 team projects, I guess CareerFoundry doesn’t have this ability as it is online program?

Oh, I will get the video to work, thank you!

@HAWK thank you! So reassuring, hopefully job hunt won’t take that long :slight_smile:

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